Migrant Program Information
Please contact your Migrant and Multilingual Achievement Specialist via email if you have any questions.
Favor de contactar a su especialista Migrante y Multilingüe si tiene alguna pregunta.
Lee- Luz Alfaro alfarol@eastmont206.org
Rock Island- Brisa Sanchez sanchezb@eastmont206.org
Cascade- Maria Dorsey dorseym@eastmont206.org
Grant- Yulissa Castillo-Garcia castillo-garciay@eastmont206.org
Kenroy- Fernando Lara laraf@eastmont206.org
Sterling Junior High- Teresa Mendoza mendozat@eastmont206.org & Leticia Esquivel esquivell@eastmont206.org
Clovis- Hector Santos Guzman santos-guzmanh@eastmont206.org
Eastmont Junior High- Gloria Espinoza espinozag@eastmont206.org & Leticia Esquivel esquivell@eastmont206.org
Eastmont High School- Yesica Campos campos-garciay@eastmont206.org & Maribel Mendez mendez-guerrerom@easmont206.org & Vidal Hurtado hurtadov@eastmont206.org
Migrant Recruiter
Edith Zavala-Gutierrez zavala-gutierreze@eastmont206.org
PAC Coordinator
Rudy Joya joyar@eastmont206.org
Migrant Records Clerk & Special Programs Secretary
Kenia Castillo-Jaramillo castillo-jaramillom@eastmont206.org
Assistant Director of Special Programs
Vicki Robins robinsv@eastmont206.org
Executive Director of Teaching and Learning & Multilingual Education
Kim Browning browningk@eastmont206.org
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