Staff Professional Development

Professional Development committee 

The professional development committee gathers and reviews staff input for professional development and creates a menu of learning opportunities for Eastmont staff.  The committee is a representative group that meets periodically throughout the year.

Funding Sources

The following are funding sources for professional development for Eastmont Staff:

Bilingual:  To help staff better meet the needs of "English Language Learners", specifically English Language Develop and the ELP Standards.   Interested teachers must complete a Bilingual Pre-Approval prior to signing up for professional development activity.

LAP:  To help staff better meet the needs of struggling students in Math and Reading.  Could also include training to remove barriers to learning (including behaviors).   Interested teachers must complete a LAP Pre-Approval prior to signing up for professional development activity.

Title Ia:  For staff in Title Ia schools.  Must be connected to the School's SchoolWide Plan.  Interested teachers must complete a Title Ia Pre-Approval prior to signing up for professional development activity.

Title IIa:  For teachers to become/maintain their highly qualified status and to support district initiatives in the District Strategic Plan.  Interested teachers must complete a Title IIa Pre-Approval prior to signing up for professional development activity.

Other funding sources may be available.  Please contact your building principal or program director for more information.


For answers to your questions about district professional development, please contact:

Kim Browning
(509) 884-7169