6th Grade Jumpstart Music: Instrumental and Choral
Students have the option of participating in Band, Choir, or Strings at one of the Jr High Schools during their 6th Grade Year. This occurs daily during 1st period 7:45-8:44 am. Students may ride the secondary bus route to the Junitor High Schools and then they will be transported to their Elementary School at the conclusion. Typically, students arrive at their Elementary School around 9:05 am. Want more info?: 6th Grade Instrumental and Choral Flyer.
Sign Up Below:
For 2025-26 Sign ups - In May, a message will be sent out regarding sign-ups via ParentSquare.
Registrar information at each junior high is below:
- Choir @ Sterling Jr High: DeeDee Reiman, reimand@eastmont206.org, (509) 884-7115
- Band and Strings at Eastmont Jr High: Traci Bolding, boldingt@eastmont206.org, (509) 884-2407
- How do the students learn about these music options?
Each spring, the Jr High Band, Choir, and Strings teachers visit and/or share information with all 5th grade students.
- How do I sign my student up?
Each spring a sign up form is sent to parents via ParentSquare. If you missed the deadline, please contact the teacher below of the program your student is interested.
- What instruction will my student miss at their Elementary School?
Students will miss either a portion (approximately half) of 6th Grade Specialists (Music or PE) or Academic Intervention. This varies by school. Please contact your child's elementary school for more information.
- Which school will my student attend?
- Band: Eastmont Junior High School with Ms. Jacqueline Vandeman
- Choir: Sterling Junior High School with Mrs. Ami Vandersluis
- Strings: Eastmont Junior High School with Ms. Carol Byman
- Must I buy or rent an instrument?
Typically, students must either own or rent the instrument they will use. However, some instruments are available for checkout to students. Please do not purchase or rent an instrument before you have test-played with the teachers. Rental information will be sent home in the fall.
- Will 6th Grade students be mixed with 7th-9th graders?
While at school, 6th Grade Students have the opportunity to be in their own area before school and the 6th Grade Band, Choir, and Strings classes will typically be limited to just 6th Grade Students.
- Where will the students eat breakfast?
Students will have the opportunity to eat breakfast at the Jr High School before classes begin.
- Is transportation available?
Yes. Students may ride the Jr High morning bus route which will be available to both Jr High Schools. After the Jr. High music class, a district bus will transport the students to their Elementary School for the remainder of the day.
Questions about the music classes? Please contact the music teacher above.
Questions about the schedule? Please contact the principal at your child's school or junior high school.