School Choice

Choice is a process allowing families to apply for their child to attend a school different than the school that serves their residence. There are two types:
Intra-District Choice: Resident students (living in Eastmont School District Boundaries) wanting to attend a school in a different attendance area. To apply, please complete the Intra-District Choice Transfer Request form (Forma en Español) and submit it to: Eastmont School District Administration Office, 800 Eastmont Avenue, East Wenatchee, WA 98802. Choice applications may be submitted beginning March 1st for the coming school year. For appeals, please see Board Policy 4220.
Non-Resident Choice: Non-Resident students wanting to attend a school in a district other than the one in which they live. For more information, please see options at right.
Please note: Choice students will need to provide their own transportation to and from school.
For more information about choice, please view District Policy 3141.