March 27, 2020

Letter sent with remote learning instructions

Letter regarding Remote Learning sent out and each school website updated with remote learning instructions.

March 23, 2020

Update on Meals

  • Children who live in close proximity of Lee, Rock Island, Sterling and Clovis Point schools will be expected to pick up their meals at these locations Monday-Friday from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm. (Schools in bold are new schools.)
  • Meals are available for all children 18 years of age and younger.
  • The child must be present to pick up their meal at any location.
  • One meal per child.
  • Children must take their meals to go and will not be allowed to stay on district property to consume.
  • Student ID numbers are not required.

If you are unable to access one of our many food sites please contact the food service office.

  • Beginning Monday, March 23rd, school buses will be used to deliver meals for children at designated bus stops around the community.  Bus Stops.
  • For questions regarding food service please call 884-3026.
  • For questions regarding delivery service please call 884-4621
  • Children living near Lee, Rock Island, Sterling and Clovis Point schools are expected to pick up their meals at these locations Monday through Friday from 11:30 am to 1 pm. (Schools in bold are new schools.)
  • Meals are available to all children under 18 years of age.
  • Children must be present to pick up their food anywhere.
  • One meal per child.
  • Children must take their meals to go and will not be allowed to stay on district property to eat them.  
  • Student identification numbers are not required.

If you cannot access one of our various food sites, please contact the food service office. 

  • Starting Monday, March 23, school buses will be used to deliver meals to children at designated bus stops in the community. Routes.

March 23, 2020

Update on our current free meal and instructional support

Auto Dialer sent out on 3/24/20 said: 

On behalf of the Eastmont School District we would like to update you on our current free meal and instructional support. Students ages 0-18 may receive free meals from 11: 30-1: 00pm Monday- Friday at the following locations: Rock Island Elementary, Clovis, Sterling and Lee. In addition, busses will be delivering meals to children at designated bus stops. For questions regarding bus routes please refer to our website at 

On March 23rd, the State Department of Education directed all Washington Public Schools to begin offering on-line and educator supported instructional services to all students. Starting immediately, Eastmont teachers will be reaching out to families to determine home resources and will begin providing instructional services starting Monday, April 6th. 


On behalf from the Eastmont School District, we would like to inform you about our free meal services and instructional support. Students ages 0-18 can receive free meals from 11:30 to 1:00 pm Monday through Friday at the following schools: Rock Island Elementary, Clovis, Sterling, and Lee. Additionally, buses will deliver meals to children at designated bus stops. If you have questions about bus routes, please see our website at

El 23 de marzo, el Departamento de Educación del Estado ordenó a todas las Escuelas Públicas de Washington que comenzarán a ofrecer servicios de enseñanza en línea y con apoyo de educadores a todos los estudiantes. Comenzando de inmediato, los maestros de Eastmont se comunicarán con las familias para determinar los recursos del hogar y comenzarán a proporcionar servicios de instrucción a partir del lunes 6 de abril.

March 17, 2020

Eastmont Food Services will provide lunch to any child 18 or younger

Starting March 17th and during our school closure, Eastmont Food Services WILL PROVIDE LUNCH TO ANY CHILD OR TEEN AGE 18 and YOUNGER. Children DO NOT HAVE TO BE CURRENTLY ENROLLED at Eastmont School District.

The following sites will be open from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm Monday through Friday.

Rock Island Elementary School (Front Door Entry)  
Grant Elementary (Commons Entry) 
Sterling (Entry on James Street)  
Cascade Elementary (Entry to Gymnasium) 

Children cannot pick up a meal for another child.

As the closure continues, we will evaluate the participation and may need to adjust the locations.

Beginning Tuesday, March 17, during school closings, the Eastmont District Food Service will provide lunches to any child or adolescent under the age of 18. Children do not need to be enrolled in the Eastmont School District. The following sites will be open from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm Monday through Friday. *** Rock Island Elementary School (front door entrance) ****** Grant Elementary School (entrance through cafeteria) ****** Sterling High School (James Street entrance) ****** Cascade Elementary School ( entrance through gym) *** Children present may not pick up lunch for another child not present.

March 15, 2020

School will be on normal schedule on Monday, March 16th

School will be on normal schedule on Monday, March 16th. 

School Closure starting Tuesday, March 17, 2020

  • Governor Inslee has ordered the closure of all K-12 Public and Private Schools in Washington State from Tuesday, March 17th, through Friday, April 24th due to the COVID-19 Coronavirus.
  • Governor Inslee has ordered the closure of all public and private schools in Washington state in grades K-12, beginning March 17 through April 24 due to the Coronavirus COVID-19. There will be school on March 16 in its normal schedule. 

March 12, 2020

Update from the Governor's Office and State Department of Health

Dear Staff and Families,

Today, we received additional information from the Governor's Office and State Department of Health regarding Washington's efforts to reduce the spread and effect of COVID-19. In the Puget Sound, all schools in 3 counties have been closed through April 24 effecting over 600,000 students.

 In Eastmont, we are taking the following actions effective immediately and they will continue until further notice:

  • Parent / Teacher Conferences: Academic concerns will be communicated via email on March 20 th , or another day next week, with an invitation to call your student's teacher if you have additional questions. If you do not receive an email, there are no concerns regarding your student's progress at this time.
  • Events and Travel: All field trips, staff travel, and indoor & outdoor events including athletic competitions are canceled until further notice. Outdoor student athletic practices will continue; However, parents are directed not to attend.
  • Limiting Non-Essential Contact: As added precautions, volunteers and visitors will not be allowed at school. Parents may be at a school for essential business.  
  • School closures: At this time, all Eastmont Schools REMAIN open, though we instructed the Governor Have Been Aug additional direct school closures at any time. 
  • Community Facility Use: We are suspending all community use of our facilities, fields, and campuses. The only exception is Eastmont / YMCA student care and employee childcare.    
  • Medically Vulnerable Students: Parents may excuse their children from school due to coronavirus-related concerns through the regular process of calling the school's attendance office. Parent excused absences during this "State of Emergency" will not be counted towards truancy. However, as long as school is in session, students will need to plan with their teachers to stay current with assignments per our usual practices when a student is absent.

If your child has a fever, cough, or shortness of breath, the current guideline is to keep him / her home for 72 hours after the fever breaks and he / she is symptom free.

Please be aware that the COVID-19 pandemic is a rapidly developing situation. We will continue to let you know when changes are made that impact students, families, and staff. If you have any questions, please contact your child's school or the District Office at (509) 884-7169. For regular updates please visit our website and social media pages.


Garn Christensen

March 12, 2020

InformaciĆ³n adicional de la Oficina del Gobernador y el Departamento de Salud del Estado

Dear staff and families,

Hoy recibimos información adicional de la Oficina del Gobernador y el Departamento de Salud del Estado sobre los esfuerzos de Washington para reducir la propagación y el efecto de COVID-19. En Puget Sound, todas las escuelas en tres condados han estado cerradas hasta el 24 de abril, con la acción afectando a más de 600,000 estudiantes.

 En Eastmont tomamos con efecto inmediato las siguientes medidas que continuarán hasta nuevo aviso:

  • Conferencias de padres y maestros: las inquietudes académicas se comunicarán por correo electrónico el 20 de marzo u otro día de la próxima semana con una invitación para llamar al maestro de su estudiante si tiene preguntas adicionales. Si no recibe un correo electrónico, no hay preocupaciones con respecto al progreso de su estudiante en este momento.
  • Eventos y viajes: todas las excursiones estudiantiles, viajes del personal y eventos tanto en las escuelas como en los terrenos escolares incluyendo las competiciones deportivas se cancelan hasta nuevo aviso. Las prácticas atléticas de los estudiantes al aire libre continuarán; sin embargo, los padres tienen instrucciones de no asistir.
  • Limitar el contacto no esencial: como precaución adicional, no se permitirán voluntarios y visitantes en la escuela. Los padres pueden estar en una escuela por asuntos esenciales. 
  • Cierre de escuelas: en este momento todas las escuelas de Eastmont permanecen abiertas aunque se nos ha indicado que el gobernador puede ordenar cierres de escuelas adicionales en cualquier momento.
  • Uso de instalaciones escolares por la comunidad: estamos suspendiendo todo uso por la comunidad de nuestras instalaciones, campos y campus. La única excepción es el cuidado estudiantil de Eastmont / YMCA y el cuidado infantil de niños de los empleados.
  • Estudiantes medicamente vulnerables: los padres pueden excusar a sus hijos de la escuela debido a preocupaciones relacionadas con el coronavirus a través del proceso regular de llamar a la oficina de asistencia de la escuela. Las ausencias justificadas de los padres durante este "Estado de emergencia" no se contarán como absentismo escolar. Sin embargo, mientras la escuela esté en sesión, los estudiantes deberán planificar con sus maestros para mantenerse al día con las tareas según nuestras prácticas habituales cuando un estudiante está ausente.

Si su hijo tiene fiebre, tos o problemas respiratorios, la pauta actual es mantenerlo en casa durante 72 horas después de que la fiebre desaparezca y él / ella no presente síntomas.

Tenga en cuenta que la pandemia de COVID-19 es una situación en rápido desarrollo. Continuaremos informándole cuando se realicen cambios que afecten a los estudiantes, las familias y el personal. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con la escuela de su hijo o la Oficina del Distrito al (509) 884-7169. Para actualizaciones periódicas, por favor visite nuestro sitio web y las páginas de redes sociales.


Garn Christensen

March 11, 2020

Coronavirus update from the Superintendent

Good Afternoon, 

Over the last two days I have participated in several calls and meetings with the health district and healthcare providers regarding the coronavirus. All sources report the virus continues to be most serious for older people with health issues and that healthy children and adults under 60 are much less at risk. Our own student attendance rates are trending about normal and have been worse during prior years when the common flu was in our community. We do recommend Eastmont family members over age 60 who have health issues not attend our events. My own 81 year old father, who has health concerns, has self-quarantined himself given he is in the high risk category for all types of illness. 

I had several conversations yesterday with health officials and providers regarding canceling events and  delayed a decision on this until today to see if any mandates to do this would be issued. They were not, though our Governor did issue mandatory new rules for nursing homes as well as cancellations of events larger than 250 people for three counties in Western WA.  

Based on these conversations, we will continue to hold events as planned through this week. This position will be reviewed on Monday for next week following a scheduled call with our health district. We will also address parent teacher conferences and determine if we need to cancel or modify how those are conducted. I do ask that new school events not be scheduled through the end of this school year given the uncertainty and possible mandates that may involve public school districts. This includes outside groups or agencies wanting to use our facilities, who do not currently have a prior facility use agreement.

Please know an update will be sent out earlier than Monday afternoon if the situation changes. As before, we continue to direct questions to our District coronavirus page, which contains many helpful links. 


March 10, 2020

Two videos from our regional health care facilities

Two videos from our regional health care facilities (listed in alphabetical order):

1)  Columbia Valley Community Health  - Coronavirus 101 posted on March 6, 2020 -

2)  Confluence Health - Confluence Health doctor discusses Coronavirus and COVID-19 posted on March 3, 2020 -

March 5, 2020

Correction on miscommunication in an initial report

Good Evening, 

After additional conversations with both the parents and health care providers regarding an Eastmont High School Student being tested today for the coronavirus, we determined there was miscommunication in the initial report. We have since confirmed the high school student was screened and recommended to stay home due to other health issues, and is not quarantined or being tested for the coronavirus. 

Garn Christensen

March 5, 2020

One high school student is being tested for the coronavirus

Good Afternoon, 

Today Eastmont learned that one of our high school students is being tested for the coronavirus. She and her mother, who is a Cascade Elementary Teacher, are now being quarantined at home for the next few days until test results are complete. As part of our ongoing conversations with regional health experts on this outbreak, we were informed that as of now coronavirus is most dangerous for those over 60, and children and teens appear to be less at risk for severe illness unless they have underlying health issues.  Based on this information, our plan is to continue normal operations unless conditions change and we receive further guidance from the Chelan-Douglas Regional Health District.  

 Parents may excuse their children from school due to coronavirus-related concerns through the regular process of calling the school’s attendance office.  Excused absences that occur during this “State of Emergency” as declared by the Governor will not be counted towards truancy. However, as long as school is in session and not closed, students will need to make arrangements with their teachers to stay current with assignments per our usual practices when a student is absent.

Please visit the Eastmont website coronavirus link for District updates and for information on signs and symptoms as well as prevention information.

Garn Christensen

March 3, 2020

Letter from Superintendent Christensen to parents sent home for students in Preschool-12th grade.

Dear Parents and Community,

The last week has been a challenge as schools, public officials, and our health providers respond to the Coronavirus.

Rather than restate information on this outbreak, Eastmont directs you to your health provider, Chelan/Douglas County Health District, and the Washington State Health Department for resources on prevention, what to look for, and what to do if you suspect a family member may be infected.

Eastmont has increased our daily cleaning and employee and student hygiene processes as preventive measures. I also am in daily contact with the Chelan/Douglas County Health District Director and will follow all directives regarding this outbreak including closing of schools and the District.

If schools are closed, we will attempt to offer modified instructional programs through independent study, on-line, and other means. Teacher availability during closures will have a direct impact on our services.

Any school closures, or modifications to our operations, programs, and facility restrictions will be posted to the Eastmont School District Website ( and communicated using social media.

Please do not hesitate to share additional questions with your school principal.

Garn Christensen


3 de Marzo del 2020

Estimados padres y miembros de la comunidad, La última semana ha sido un reto ya que las escuelas, los funcionarios públicos
y nuestros proveedores de salud responden al Coronavirus.

En lugar de repetir la información sobre este brote, el distrito de Eastmont le pide que se dirija a su proveedor de salud, el Distrito de Salud del Condado de Chelan / Douglas y el Departamento de Salud del Estado de Washington para obtener recursos sobre prevención, qué síntomas buscar y qué hacer si sospecha que un familiar puede estar infectado.

En el distrito de Eastmont hemos aumentado nuestros procesos de limpieza diaria y de higiene de empleados y estudiantes como medidas preventivas. También estoy en contacto diario con el Director del Distrito de Salud del Condado de Chelan / Douglas y seguiré todas las directivas sobre este brote, incluyendo el cierre de las escuelas y el Distrito.

Si las escuelas llegan a ser cerradas, intentaremos ofrecer programas de instrucción modificados a través de estudios independientes, en línea y otros medios. La disponibilidad de maestros durante los cierres tendrá un impacto directo en nuestros servicios.

Cualquier cierre de escuelas o modificaciones a nuestras operaciones, programas y restricciones de las instalaciones se publicarán en el sitio web del Distrito Escolar de Eastmont ( y se comunicarán a través de las redes sociales.

Por favor no dude en compartir preguntas adicionales con el director de su escuela.

Garn Christensen